" To improve the quality of experience any user of such building will go through ".
Two virtual Chanceries have been reviewed in order to highlight dual extreme user experiences while exploring the chancery spaces.
The user of the first virtual chancery will go through an extremely strict and fairly humiliating procedure, while the user of the second will undergo an exceptionally un strict procedure. Both virtual chanceries belong to wealthy, liberal, world-leading and developed countries.
Security issues are untouchable in any of the cases, however in the first case the sense of security and the powerful status of the country are at their top, conversely the amenity and entertainment level are reasonably low. in the second case, the experience path is more of an exploration tour; visual boundaries have almost dissolved and security has not become an event to celebrate anymore. Accordingly, the outstanding strategic status is not loudly expressed. eventually, the user will definitely experience a more joyful trip.
The two virtual experiences reviewed have been taken into a further analysis by fragmenting the whole trip experience into "event zones" and these zones have been investigated in relation to the Canadian Chancery Amman. in order to define the event zones, a comprehensive analysis has been conducted for the user trip path across chancery territories.
Chancery users have been classified into three categories:
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- Non-Canadian visitors
- Canadian visitors
- Embassy employees & VIPs.
Defining three main user categories helped identify three main potential trips across the chancery territories:
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- trip1: for non-Canadian visitors.
- trip 2: for Canadian visitors-
- trip 3: for embassy employees and VIPs. -